
Friday, April 23, 2010

Review: Love & Respect

Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs is a marriage book to top all marriage books! Its simple message, "the love she most desires, the respect he desperately needs," seems to be the bottom line for most marriages. At least it is true in ours.  The book claims that the "secret" is hidden in Ephesians 5:33 which states:
Each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.
 The book is fantastic. Filled with stories, examples, thoughts, how-to's and insights into the "other person's" mind. The back has a number of appendixes filled with discussion topics, helpful thoughts for when you are feeling unloved or un-respected, etc.

This is a book that you could read alone or as a couple. As long as you are focused on how to change your marriage, how to make it better, than this book will change your relationship for the better.

For more information on Love & Respect or to purchase your favourite Christian books, check out DeeperShopping.com

Review: Can You Hear Me?

Can You Hear Me? Tuning in to the God who speaks by Brad Jersak is a book about hearing the voice of God in your everyday life. The book is divided into three parts:

Part I       The Simplicity of Listening Prayer
including "My Sheep Hear My Voice", Awakened hearts: how we hear and see God, God is that really you? Or was that just my imagination?

Part II      Encountering God: The Meeting Place of Your Heart
Including the meeting place, meeting God to intercede, and overcoming blocks to meeting God.

Part III    The Life of Listening Prayer
including listening prayer in decision times, with children, in the local church, outreach and prayer for inner healing.

In his introduction, Brad states that this book is written for anyone who wants to hear God's voice. But he has a special heart for disillusioned churchgoers and "prodigals" who are searching for more than western church culture generally offers.

The power of prayer is awesome and wonderful, Brad suggests that perhaps there is more to prayer than just talking. Perhaps listening to God is a huge section of prayer that we have forsaken. Maybe, just maybe, we have forgotten how to hear God's voice. Throughout the book, Brad injects a wonderful section called "Tuning in" here he asks you to put his words into practise. Ask God questions and listen for His answer.

I loved this book! Full of practical advice and tools to get you going in the right direction, this book is perfect for anyone who is feeling like their relationship with God is missing that vital spark. It is! Communication! You may not agree with everything in this book, I didn't. But I was able to look to the heart of it and appreciate that there is more to prayer than simply listing of a to-do list.

For more information on Can You Hear Me or to purchase your favourite Christian books, check out DeeperShopping.com

Review: Moments Together For Couples

Moments Together For Couples by Dennis and Barbara Rainey is a fantastic couples devotional. My favourite aspect of this book is how short the daily readings are. You can literally do it in five minutes if that is all the time you have, or spend more time discussing and spend an hour. It brings husband and wife together for a time of discussion and prayer, drawing them closer to each other and God.

The days are set up according to the calendar and the daily readings no more than one page long. They start with a Bible verse, a short reading, a discussion section and ending with prayer. The discussion area gives two or three short questions for you to discuss as a couple and the prayer section directs you to pray for an area in your relationship or general life.

This book is designed to go through in a year, making it a great new years resolution to spend more time together. For more information on Moments Together For Couples or to purchase your favourite Christian books, check out DeeperShopping.com

Review: The Daily Message

The Daily Message by Eugene H. Peterson is an easy-to-use "read through the Bible in a year". It is the entire Message Bible arranged in 312 daily readings. Each day has about 3-4 chapters of a book of the Bible followed by an encouraging reading from Psalms, Proverbs, or Isaiah. It also has the added bonus of including a couple of personal questions to help apply the reading to your life.

I like this "Through the Bible in a year" format simply because it is far too easy to get behind. You lose a day, you try to catch up, but you can't. In those formats I feel as though there is no point. If I can't do it right, why do it at all? The Daily Message has only 6 readings a week, giving you a day to either rest and reflect or catch up on what you have missed.

The Message is not necessarily a study Bible. It is the Bible in easy-to-understand language. However, it is a great read first thing in the morning. It makes you think, it makes the Bible more real, alive and easy to understand and apply to your day. Because of this, I am a fan. I still prefer to do my daily devotions in my NIV study Bible, but use this for a reader book when I am feeling motivated. It is great to compare notes with and relatively inexpensive.

For more information on The Daily Message or to purchase your favourite Christian books, check out DeeperShopping.com

Review: This Present Darkness

This Present Darkness by Frank. E. Peretti is a thriller book about the spiritual realm. It is the story of a small town called Ashton that has a plot hanging over its head with an evil mastermind behind it. This book will open your eyes to the world that we do not see, the spiritual battles that are fought over our hearts and lives everyday, all around us. We know it's true, in Ephesians 6:12 we are told that, "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places," (ESV).

It is a terrifying thought because it is true. This book has the ability to scare you because of its reality. Because in our human frailty, the spiritual realm is almost overwhelming to think about. One of the greatest gifts I received from this book, other than a good read, was not to underestimate the incredible power of prayer.

Nevertheless, this is a book that will open doors. I read this book in my early teens and went through years of spiritual battle. My imagination got the better of me and I could imagine the spiritual realm all around me, and the devil used that to his advantage. This is a book for adults only. And even then, it is a book to surround with prayer if one of your weaknesses is an overactive imagination.

For more information on This Present Darkness or to order your Christian Books online, go to DeeperShopping.com

Review: Pocket Full of Rocks

Do you ever listen to a CD and bop along mindlessly to the music? I mean, the songs are catchy, the lyrics are great, and you enjoy listening to it? That is the essence of Pocket Full of Rocks hit CD, "Manifesto". For anyone who enjoys Christian music, you will enjoy this CD. What's not to like? What really brought me to love this CD, however, wasn't the music. I recently did some research on the band and came up with some interesting results.

Pocket Full of Rocks is a band that was started back in 1995 by lead singer Michael Farren and drummer David Rollins as a means to lead worship in their local Texas church. From there, they branched out to work with colleges, organizations, and youth groups all over the United States. Comprised of Farren, his wife Alisa (vocals), Rollins, Jody Crump (bass), Ryan Riggins (electric guitar), and Kyle Lee (rhythm and acoustic guitar), the band has spent over 15 years as a successful, independent band. They believe in the heart of spontaneous worship, often leading worship without a set list to provide room to write their own songs while they sing.

These are the aspects that make Pocket Full of Rocks more than just a band. Their hearts and inspiration are truly spirit-filled. Creating a CD that is a timeless addition to any household!

For more information on Pocket Full of Rocks or to purchase your favourite Christian Music online, check out Deepershopping.com.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Review: You Can Be Everything God Wants You to Be

I recently reviewed the book, "You Can Be Everything God Wants You to Be" by Max Lucado and will admit to a immediate sense of disappointment. This was a book I had to force myself to read. The pages are  all split up into what is supposed to be motivational sections with pictures and strange fonts highlighting key statements. It is as though they are trying to use all of that to hide the content, which is really nothing special. I think Max Lucado is a brilliant writer, however this has the feeling of a book that has simply been 'pumped out' for the sake of having another book rather than for the quality content that it holds.

The book is filled with catchy phrases designed to pull the reader in such as, "Be you-nique, Be the best You you can be, discover your sweet spot," etc. The verses are taken out of the message, or new living translation to make it easy to understand for even a new believer. There is no doubt that there is a message here, "God created you for a purpose, what are you good at? That will help you discover what your ministry is." A good message, especially for a young person. The book comes with a sticker on the front advertising, "Great for Graduates!" And it is true. This is a book that you could give to a new Christian, or a young teenager, or a college graduate. Perhaps the corny motivational taglines will be lost on them in an effort to discover their path. However, if you were to buy this book hoping for another Max Lucado masterpiece, you would be grossly disappointed.

For more information on, "You Can Be Everything God Wants You To Be," or to purchase your favourite Christian books, check out DeeperShopping.com.

**I received a free copy of this book through Thomas Nelson

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Review: Hurricanes in Paradise

I recently read the new book by Denise Hildreth titled, "Hurricanes in Paradise." I really enjoyed it! It is the story of four women who meet at a luxury hotel by chance and how their lives are drastically changed through the personal "storms" they are walking through.

The book begins a bit on the slow side. You are introduced to the four characters and Hildreth hints at the "deep, dark secrets" that are simmering beneath the surface. The whole first half of the book is devoted to background and character development. Which gives it the depth and flavour of a great novel while hindering its ability to truly grasp and pull you in to the storyline. However, it is the second half of the book that started to pick up the pace. The plot reaches its climax and it was hard to put it down. You discover the secrets the women are harbouring and follow them on their individual journeys of healing and relationship. There is a sense of intrigue and mystery in the story that keep the reader on their toes wondering what will happen next while still maintaining its dramatic tone of voice.

Hildreth hits the nail on the head in her note from the author when she writes, "And yet this is more than a story of survival; it is about learning to live." If you are looking for an inspirational book that keeps you turning the pages, then you will enjoy this book. I certainly did!

*I received this advance reader copy book free of charge through tyndale house publishers

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Review: The Five Love Languages

My husband and I bought "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman in our first year of marriage. We had each read it on our own before we married and were amazed by how applicable it was to our marriage. After taking the test and discovering our own personal "love language" we read the chapters on each trait and the results were dumbfounding. It was as though we were expressing love as we had been programmed to receive it and when we started focussing on the other person and their needs, our marriage took a turn for the better.

In the book, Gary focuses on five distinct love languages: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. If you are like most married couples, you are projecting love in the way that you best receive it. For example, your love language is receiving gifts, and so you give gifts to your spouse. They consider it a nice gesture, but a waste of time and money. And you are hurt because in essence, they are rejecting your heart. Through this book, you will most likely see aspects in which you receive love in all categories. However, through defining your top priorities in your marriage and working to fulfill them in each other, you will have a more satisfying relationship in the long run.

If you are interested in taking the test online or for more "Five Love Languages" resources, check out the official website at www.5lovelanguages.com

This is a read, re-read and read again book. It is one that you can pass on to other married couples, buy for a wedding gift, or even read as a single person preparing for your future spouse. For more information on, "The Five Love Languages" or to purchase your favourite Christian books online, check out DeeperShopping.com.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Review: Every Woman's Marriage

I read "Every Woman's Marriage" by Shannon and Greg Ethridge a number of years ago and was amazed at the relational value it held. This is a fantastic guidebook for a married woman in any stage of her life and a great reminder as to what we were called to do and who we were called to be. Before you begin this book, lay the groundwork... this will be focusing on what you do to contribute to the problems (that's right, I said YOU) in your marriage. The book touches on the stark reality that no matter how desperately hard we try, we cannot change our husbands! So what can we do to help change the way they view us and how they choose to treat us? Read on!

This book has several main components, such as:

1. When Hearts Grow Cold
What causes love to "grow cold" between couples and how desperate a cold heart can make you.
2. Looking at the Big Picture
 Recognizing that intensity is not genuine intimacy and intimacy requires work and effort. How to develop holiness in your marriage. And the ministry of marriage: bringing out the best in each other, putting his needs before your own, etc.
3. How His Flame of Joy and Passion Dies
An overview of some of the many games women play and how that effects your husband. How men are often constantly riding an emotional escalator with their wives and how that wears on them.
4. Igniting His Flame Once Again 
What men really want most from their wives such as respect and fighting fair.
This is just the briefest of overviews of what this book is all about. There is so much more! It is not an easy pill to swallow, sometimes baby steps are best. But if you can remain humble and open-minded, this book will change your marriage and your relationship with your husband. A GREAT book!

For more information on "Every Woman's Marriage," or to purchase your favourite Christian Books, check out DeeperShopping.com.

Review: Safely Home by Randy Alcorn

I have never forgotten this book from the day that I read it nearly two years ago. I kept forgetting the name of the book and who it was written by. So it was one of those, "Oh, you know, there's this great book about a guy... I forget who wrote it." When I finally stumbled upon the name again, I was dumbfounded and had to buy it. Let me state, for the record, that this book is AMAZING!

The general storyline is about a successful North American businessman who goes to China for a business trip. While there he decides to go and see his old college room-mate. He is drawn in to the life of this Chinese Christian who is under intense persecution for his faith. This in itself would be a great story, but Alcorn doesn't stop there. The second half of the story bounces between heaven and earth giving you an eternal perspective on day-to-day life. You are given an intimate glimpse to the possibilities of eternity from Alcorn's point-of-view, and it gave me so much hope! One the things I treasure most on this earth is the ability to learn new things. And after reading this book, I truly believe that that is something that will never stop. I somehow always had the idea that when I went to heaven I would automatically know everything. Perhaps a naive view of eternity, but a view nonetheless. I now strongly believe that that will not be so. I believe that when I get to heaven, I will have the ability to ask questions and learn and grow in my knowledge of God and who He is.

This book is exciting, inspiring, sad, touching, and truly memorable. It is definitely one of my most favourite Christian fiction books I have ever read. I strongly recommend it to anyone, anywhere!

For more information on, "Safely Home" by Randy Alcorn, check out DeeperShopping.com for your Christian book needs.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Review: Just In Case You Ever Wonder by Max Lucado

This is my all-time favourite children's book in our home! My 2 year old son asks for it time and time again! And considering the length of the story, I was shocked when he preferred it over all others. I loved the pictures! They were so simple and endearing. And the story is as intimate as though I were reading a personal letter from my heart to my son. It contains so many important messages that I want my children to learn: "Remember, I'm here for you when..." you're scared, your teacher is mad, etc. To always come to me and know that they can talk to me no matter what. If you have a child, of any age, then BUY THIS BOOK! It is guaranteed to be a family favourite.

For more information on, "Just In Case You Ever Wonder," check out DeeperShopping.com for your Christian book needs.

Review: A Man Called Blessed by Ted Dekker and Bill Bright

"A Man Called Blessed", by Ted Dekker and Bill Bright, was a fantastic book. A sequel to "Blessed Child," this book is another raving success. The continuation of the story of Caleb, this book focuses on Caleb as the man he has become and his struggle to regain the "childhood wonder" he has lost. I found this book more realistic to the average christian. This man is me, held down by the bog of culture and the restraints of day-to-day life but knowing that there is something more and struggling to find it. This man is every christian and I found it inspiring and an overall good read.

The reality is that this book cannot compare with Dekker and Bright's first book, "Blessed Child." It is a story. A good story, but still a mere fictional feel-good tale that leaves the reader satisfied. I would definitely suggest this book to anyone who has read the prequel, however be prepared that it will not meet with the expectations you had after reading the first. But by all means, continue the story!

For more information about this book, "A Man Called Blessed," check out DeeperShopping.com for your Christian books.

Review: Blessed Child by Ted Dekker and Bill Bright

"Blessed Child", by Ted Dekker and Bill Bright, was one of the most influential books I have ever read in my life. It was so meaningful to both my husband and I, that we chose the name Caleb for our firstborn son. Blessed Child goes far beyond a fictional story and enters the realm of inspirational and life-changing. Having read a number of Dekker's books in the past, I was expecting another thrilling read and was not disappointed. However, Bill Bright added a sense of theological truth that made me think and view this book as a catalyst for change in my own personal walk. This is not a book that I would form the basis for my faith on, it is an opinion regarding the kingdom of God. A "what if" expose into the realm of eternity. And it is this factor of the book that I loved the most. It brought me to a perspective I hadn't thought of before. It showed me a side of God that I thought was totally believable and possible and drew me closer to Him in the process. It touched a cord in my life and heart that dramatically changed my relationship with God and opened my eyes to thinking outside the box.

The character development in this story is so well done that you will be walking alongside Caleb as he follows this incredible journey. If you are looking for a good story, this book is for you. If you are looking for a new perspective, this book is for you. And if you are looking for a book with depth of insight, then this book is for you. Whatever you are looking for, read this book. I guarantee you that Caleb's story will bless you as it has for me.

For more information on the book, "Blessed Child," check out DeeperShopping.com for your Christian book needs.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Review: Creative Correction by Lisa Whelchel

 I have owned the book, "Creative Correction" by Lisa Whelchel for a number of years and come back to it time and time again. This is a fantastic resource for any parent with young children. We all know the conventional methods of discipline, this is the unconventional. It is full of great ideas for raising discussions, responses to various parenting dilemmas such as: sibling rivalry, telling lies, disobedience, etc. After each chapter, Lisa has a toolbox full of practical creative ideas for resolving these conflicts. My favourite section of the book is near the end she adds a "toddler toolbox" for young children. Many of the responses were a bit old for my children, so this chapter was much more applicable to my life.

From a Christian standpoint, this book is un-paralleled. Full of applicable scriptures for nearly every circumstance, this is a wonderful way to implement the word of God into your parenting and family. I am confident that Lisa's book will be a part of our family for many years yet to come and HIGHLY recommend it to any family with young children that is looking for something different to help our children "go in the way they should go."

For more information on Lisa Whelchel's book, "Creative Correction," check out DeeperShopping.com for your Christian book needs.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Review: How God Makes Babies by Jim Burns

I recently received "How God Makes Babies" by Jim Burns from Baker Publishing Group and loved this book! Having young children myself, this is definitely one that I will be using in our families educational repertoire. This book is all about laying the foundations for healthy sexuality and is geared towards children around 6-9 years of age. Of course, if your child were asking questions at a younger age, you may want to refer to sections in this book as needed.

I like this book for a number of reasons. First of all, it is the basics of sexuality with a christian twist. It emphasizes the value of marriage and only practising sex within the perimeters of it. It also designates a section about what private parts are, why they are private, and not to let anyone else touch you in any way there because it is not part of God's plan. Through reading a number of different children's books in this area, I was so impressed by this critical addition. In this day and age, childhood molestation is so common that I strongly believe it is a warning that cannot be left out. 

I will leave you with an excerpt from the forward of this book,
"Studies show that when children receive values-centered sex education at home, they are less likely to become sexually promiscuous and more likely to have a healthy view of their bodies and relationships... this book is meant to help you and your child develop a loving, trusting relationship where dialogue is the best teacher."

If you have young children who are or will be asking you these questions, then this is a book that promises not to disappoint. I highly recommend it!

For more information on "How God Makes Babies" check out www.DeeperShopping.com for your Christian books.

**I received a free copy of this book from Bethany House publishers

Monday, April 12, 2010

Review: Created to be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl

Somewhere over the passing years and changing culture, women have lost their way. This book is written to lead them back home. Regardless of how you began your marriage or how dark and lonely the path that has brought you to where you are now, I want you to know that it is possible today to have a marriage so good and so fulfilling that it can only be explained as a miracle."
                     --Created to be his Help Meet

Have you lost your way? Is your marriage something other than what you had imagined? If you're like me, you're marriage could always be better. So when I picked up a copy of this book it was with great anticipation. I was going to "change my man" to make me a better marriage! Unfortunately, this was not what happened. Instead of a 'quick fix' or 'how to' guide to change my marriage, I found a 'how to' change myself guide.

There is a common misconception that this book is a wife basher. Making you the brunt of all the wrongs in your marriage. If you read this book and see that, then you are convicted by something and defending yourself at all costs. And you are wrong. This book says, "you can't change him, so change you." It has very old-fashioned values, and I am inclined to disagree with some of what I have read. However, the overall impression of this book is one that has changed my life and my marriage. I will admit to having my fair share of pride, and this book was a hard pill to swallow at times. But it has made me into a better wife and mother and is something I have referred to time and time again when my marriage begins to revert to old ways.

I urge you to read this book. You might not agree with everything, you might have different opinions, but if you can swallow your pride and read with an open and willing heart, you will walk away a changed woman.

For more information on 'Created to be his Help Meet' visit DeeperShopping.com for your Christian books.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Review: The Revolutionary Paul Revere by Joel J. Miller

I just completed the book: The Revolutionary Paul Revere by Joel J. Miller. This is a book that encompasses the extraordinary life of Paul Revere. More often than not, history bores me not because of its lack of detail, but because of its poor presentation. This book presents very well. For a historical account it was interesting and generally captivated my interest. This is a book that you read and walk away from a better person. How could I not be inspired by the incredible life of Paul Revere? Joel J. Miller takes you back to a time and a place that has been forgotten by most and had the unexpected effect of making me nostalgic. 

I must admit to my previous ignorance to the history of the American Revolution. However, this book gave me a whole new appreciation for liberty, and what it means. The American colonists fought for freedom, they fought to be represented and they fought to be heard. I wonder if we fight the same way today? It is much easier to sit back and let someone else take the reigns on our political rights and freedoms that these men fought for. 

If I could have asked for anything to be different in the book, I would have liked the pictures to be larger. I found myself squinting to see the intricate details on Revere's engravings or a particular portrait. Otherwise I found it refreshing and a mentally stimulating read that I know I will come back to.

You can purchase this book from deeper shopping christian bookstore. Check out this link. For more books like this, check out DeeperShopping.

**This book was provided free of charge by Thomas Nelson