
Monday, April 19, 2010

Review: Every Woman's Marriage

I read "Every Woman's Marriage" by Shannon and Greg Ethridge a number of years ago and was amazed at the relational value it held. This is a fantastic guidebook for a married woman in any stage of her life and a great reminder as to what we were called to do and who we were called to be. Before you begin this book, lay the groundwork... this will be focusing on what you do to contribute to the problems (that's right, I said YOU) in your marriage. The book touches on the stark reality that no matter how desperately hard we try, we cannot change our husbands! So what can we do to help change the way they view us and how they choose to treat us? Read on!

This book has several main components, such as:

1. When Hearts Grow Cold
What causes love to "grow cold" between couples and how desperate a cold heart can make you.
2. Looking at the Big Picture
 Recognizing that intensity is not genuine intimacy and intimacy requires work and effort. How to develop holiness in your marriage. And the ministry of marriage: bringing out the best in each other, putting his needs before your own, etc.
3. How His Flame of Joy and Passion Dies
An overview of some of the many games women play and how that effects your husband. How men are often constantly riding an emotional escalator with their wives and how that wears on them.
4. Igniting His Flame Once Again 
What men really want most from their wives such as respect and fighting fair.
This is just the briefest of overviews of what this book is all about. There is so much more! It is not an easy pill to swallow, sometimes baby steps are best. But if you can remain humble and open-minded, this book will change your marriage and your relationship with your husband. A GREAT book!

For more information on "Every Woman's Marriage," or to purchase your favourite Christian Books, check out DeeperShopping.com.

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